WABC-TV paid a visit to the Airpower Museum on February 3, 2010. News anchors Diana Williams and Sade Baderinwa hosted a live broadcast from the museum focusing on issues effecting military veterans, including health care and unemployment. Following the broadcast, Williams and Baderinwa were joined by others from the WABC news team, where they conducted a town hall meeting, inviting members of the community to voice opinions, ask questions, and have their issues heard.
Williams and Baderinwa on the air.

Baderinwa checks out the museum's WACO biplane.

Williams discusses issues with members of the American Legion.

Even I got in the act, photographed with two classy ladies!

The evening saw a large, enthusiastic crowd, eager to express their concerns with the news staff. While veterans have gained added recognition in recent years, their problems are all too often overlooked. Veterans have a higher rate of unemployment than the general population, often suffer from service-related illnesses and injuries that have not been properly cared for, and sadly, have a high rate of homelessness. After giving so much to this country, is it asking too much for veterans to be treated properly? Events like this bring a much needed focus on the problems these brave men and women face every day.