After a January that saw bitter cold weather, and a record for total snow fall, we finally have a break. With temperatures pushing into the 50s, and clear skies, a spotting trip was called for. Yes, it was windy - the gusts almost matched the temperature, but nothing was going to spoil the afternoon.

A couple of years ago, while out spotting, I sarcastically remarked "I must have seen
every JetBlue airplane today!" That got me to thinking. New York is the headquarters for JetBlue, and they have extensive operations at the city's airports. Maybe I did have photos of every JetBlue airplane. Well, not quite, but I was a good bit on the way to getting the whole fleet. Checking fleet lists online, they have operated 175 different aircraft to date, including about 20 that they sold to foreign airlines. Turns out, I've now captured all but 6 of their aircraft - including all the transferred airplanes. I've had this one for a while, but today I caught it with new tail colors.

And today even featured a short, very positive, visit from one of Nassau County's Finest.